Three choices on how to view our services

  • In-Person: Everyone is invited to attend services in-person; we are a welcoming congregation. We sit in traditional wooden pews inside our building, which will celebrate its 100th anniversary soon.  There is full access to the Fellowship Hall on the first floor and the Sanctuary on the second floor, using an elevator.
  • Zoom: Everyone is invited to attend the services via Zoom. Send e-mail to to get the Zoom link.  The link and number for our worship service will go live beginning at 9:45 a.m. on Sunday. If you’ve never used Zoom before, we encourage you to sign on well before 10 a.m. Not familiar with our zoom services? Please review how our Sunday Service on Zoom works.
  • Review past services: If you find it better for you, watch recordings of past services.

Sunday Services are 10:00-11:00AM.  Each service can be quite different.  If you are checking out BRUU to see if it “melts your butter,” please plan to attend several services.

Water Communion

Each year as we gather in the fall, it is our custom to offer water as a symbol of our connection to each other. Bring a sample of water to represent your life experiences that will be gathered together in a vessel of our Unitarian … read more.

Ethos, Pathos, Logos…Really?

What do classical forms of proof thousands of years old have to tell us about managing our selves during a fraught campaign season? Issues of credibility, emotion and argument are on display across our media, and this service will address insights from before the electronic … read more.

UU Climate Justice Revival

When LOVE is at the center of our climate movements, love GROUNDS, love CONNECTS, love BUILDS. Love TRANSFORMS, love NOURISHES, love REIMAGINES. Let’s reimagine together, friends, a world where all communities thrive.

Join us for a two-day Climate Justice Revival: Education and Celebration will … read more.