Ants and Grasshoppers

In the fairy tale, ants worked hard all summer and stockpiled grain for the winter while the grasshopper played on his fiddle. We UU’s honor the power of making individual choices, but we also recognize “it takes a village.” Let’s explore individual accountability, equity, … read more.

Bridging Service (video)

“A public celebration is a rope bridge of knotted symbols strung across an abyss. We make our crossings hoping the chasm will echo our festive sounds for a moment, and the bridge begins to sway to the rhythms of our dance.” – Roland Grimes.

This annual … read more.

So…Now What? Let Us Imagine Together! (video)

With the sudden news of our minister’s departure, many of us are now left thinking, “So…Now What?” Today we will embark on a journey of introspection, begin the healing process, and ultimately, dream collectively about the future of BRUU and the kind of community, and … read more.