SJ Covenants
Covenant for UUSJ Congregational Membership
Our congregation desires to be a partner and member congregation of the Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice (UUSJ). We will voluntarily join the national network of UUSJ member congregations, who live out their faith through engagement, education, and advocacy to advance equitable national policies and actions, aligned with UU values.
The UUSJ will…
• Provide regular updates on issues, legislation, witness, and advocacy actions to the congregation;
• Provide members of the congregation information and training to strengthen engagement in social justice activities;
• Organize and invite participation in the UUSJ Write Here-Write Now program, Advocacy Corps, and other direct advocacy opportunities;
• Make arrangements for meetings with Congress on UUSJ priority issues;
• Enable congregation to learn from other congregations through periodic meetings of social justice leaders;
• Offer a ready means for UU ministers to urge involvement in social justice issues;
• Provide discounts for UUSJ seminars, training and other educational endeavors; and,
• Connect the congregation to UUSJ partners, moral owners, and other UU congregations.
Our Congregation will…
• Engage in social justice education, witness, and advocacy activities and events;
• Disseminate UUSJ education, advocacy, witness information to the members of our congregation;
• Support UUSJ visibility and involvement among our congregation;
• Foster participation in UUSJ educational offerings;
• Encourage our congregants to join UUSJ as individual members;
• Inform and update UUSJ as to the justice priorities important to our congregation and its members; and,
• Aspire to make an annual financial contribution to the UUSJ.
Not required but encouraged – Send an annual contribution to UUSJ. The suggested donation is: 0.25 percent of our annual operating budget and may come from a budget line item or special collection.